The most reliable method to report on auto merged tickets is to tag them with something like closed_by_automerge using a Zendesk trigger. You can then report on the tag in Explore.
Here's a sample trigger to tag tickets that were closed by Auto Merge
Title: Auto Merge: Tag Merged Ticket
Conditions (meet ALL)
- Status > Is > Closed
- Comment text > Contains the following string > This request was closed and auto merged into request
- Add tags > closed_by_automerge
If necessary, you can also tag the target ticket (the active ticket) with a trigger.
Title: Auto Merge: Tag Target Ticket
Conditions (meet ALL)
Ticket > Is > Updated
Comment text > Contains the following string > was closed and auto merged into this request. Last comment in request
- Add tags > automerged
Tracking auto merged tickets prior to your trigger
To track tickets that were already auto merged prior to creating the trigger, you can use the following searches in Zendesk:
"was closed and auto merged into this request" order_by:updated_at sort:desc
"This request was closed and auto merged into request" order_by:updated_at sort:desc