If you have access to Zendesk Explore, you can report on tickets assigned by Routing in just a few steps.
Playlist Assigned by Agent
To help you get started, here is a basic report that compares the number of tickets assigned by Routing against solved tickets, grouped by agent.
1. Create a new query.
Zendesk Explore > Queries > New query
- Choose a Zendesk product: Support
- Choose a dataset type: Tickets
- Choose a dataset: Support Tickets (default)
2. Use the following report parameters:
- SUM(Playlist Assigned?)
- COUNT(Solved tickets)
- Assignee name
- Ticket status > Solved, Closed
- Ticket solved - Date > Edit date ranges > This year
Playlist Assigned by Date and Agent, visualizing percentages
For a more advanced report that breaks down Playlist Assigned by solved date and agent, please follow along in the tutorial below. The tutorial also shows how you can customize the chart to visualize % of Playlist Assigned vs Solved.